The First Thing a Baby Learns

This is a note based on the book “Child Development” by Laura E. Berk”

“Baby smiled! He smiled at me!!!”
This was my reaction when my son smiled at me for the first time.
As naive as I was, I later learned that he wasn’t exactly happy to see me.
He was moving his face to express some emotion, but probably not intentional.

To know you have ‘something’, you first need to know what it’s like to have ‘nothing’

Based on the philosophy of “Nothing” from the East Asian version of Wikipedia.
In order to know that “something”(有) exists, there needs to be an opposite concept that can separate “existence”. That is called “nothing”(無)

Similarly, if you always had something, it is impossible to know what it is like to have nothing.
Not knowing merely makes you think you know.

For example,
To appreciate wealth, you first need to appreciate poverty,
To appreciate people, you first need to appreciate loneliness,
To appreciate health, you first need to appreciate being ill,
To appreciate the time, you first need to appreciate the end.

It is a blessing to know the “nothing” without being there. It’s more of a gift than something you can achieve by your own will.