Children are a replica of their parents

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Father Like Son

My headmaster from High School told me the story about the fat dog.  What made the joke so funny was that his family was all fat. 

No.  He wasn’t trying to make fun of his family.  Rather, he humbled himself to teach us a very important lesson.

“That our habits make us who we are.”

  • You run every day, you will be a great runner. (Obviously)
  • You eat junk food every day, you will be fat
  • Read a lot of books, you will be smart
  • Read no books, you will be dumb

Of course, our natural talents will play a part, but as Albert Einstein puts it “Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work…”

It’s the choices we make that eventually mold us to who we are.

And mind you, making the right choice is not easy.  It will take much discipline and commitment.

The right choice tend to demand more effort and sacrifice. That is why we tend to make the wrong choices.  The easy way – the path that everyone else seems to take.  The right path is narrow and the end is not always in sight. 

But for those who make the right choices, the rewards are BIG.

Read biographies of great people. See the type of choices they had to make.

Think of what choice you could make today to become the person you want to be?

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