Stereotyping puts a boundary on the person

He is lazy. She doesn’t get things done. Have you had these kinds of thoughts before?

Have you ever thought that by putting such boundaries, you are making that person into that stereotype?

This is in line with our talk about judging others in a single act.

If they are not doing it to intentionally harm you, there is always a reason behind someone acting in certain way.

I have stereotyped people and I have accused many in the past (still do)

For example, having grown up without parental supervision from teenage years, I didn’t know showing up to appointment in time was so important. I made many people angry. People stereotyped me as the irresponsible guy. I was already struggling and this label being added to me many things just impossible.

Are you someone who puts such label on people? If you ever thought such negative thing about a person and talked to at least one person about it, you are guilty.

There’s even a law to stop this from happening called defamation.

Though what you say may seem true to you. Know that it is putting great harm to the other person whether or not he or she is in the right or wrong.

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