This is how to make your baby a genius

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  • “Parentese” is a particular way of talking to your children, which involves slowing down your speech, speaking in a higher pitch and giving pauses for them to respond.
  • Babies of parents who were coached in parentese started talking sooner and had a wider vocabulary than others.
  • Talking to children as much as possible from birth gives them a head-start and will help prepare them for school.

One of the most smile-inducing milestones in a baby’s life is when they manage their first word. But that magical moment could happen sooner, depending on the way parents or carers speak to the child.

Scientists have long suggested that babies prefer what’s called parentese – when mothers and fathers modulate their voice, including making it higher in pitch.

In this black-and-white video, seven-month-old Paul shows a distinct preference for this style of baby talk, by turning his head to the side where his mother is speaking parentese, instead of the side where she’s talking normally.

And research has found children of parents coached in speaking parentese start talking sooner and have a greater vocabulary than children whose parents had not received the same training.

Read the full article at World Economic Forum

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