To know you have ‘something’, you first need to know what it’s like to have ‘nothing’

I remember my first psychology lecture. The professor told us to look at an apple on the podium. Then he asked us to turn around and look toward to back.
Then he said, “the apple is no longer there”.
I remember thinking myself “this guy has gone nuts teaching psychology”.
That was the last psychology course I took.

“Realism” is an interesting topic.
Is it really there? or Are you perceiving it to be there?
World for matter vs. World of form.
Great philosophers from Plato to his disciple Aristotle wrestled with this topic. Western vs. Eastern philosophy on this topic differs as well.

But for me, it’s all about our children. What lesson can we derive from this interesting philosophy?

That is how I came up with the quote

“To know you have something, you first need to know what it’s like to have nothing”

Yes, it does mean you need to be poor in order to be rich. That is because I believe a happy person with a dollar is richer than an unhappy person with a million dollars.
You see, it means learning to be poor in your heart. That you are able to seek help, appreciate things, give gratitude, etc

Like my first psychology lesson, this could be a little abstract for you today.
But, as you face a lot of challenges in life, you will realize what blessing it is to be poor in heart that you are able to seek.

Philosophy of “Nothing”

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