Toothpaste Effect

This post is based on my son’s theory about toothpastes being wasted when in abundance.

There are few things in life that you should apply the toothpaste effect concept. Things that you should never put to waste.
Listed below are five things that we shared to cherish when we have enough, so we wouldn’t regret it when we run out.

Apple founder Steve Jobs once said “Your time is limited. Never waste it living someone else life”
There’s a saying that the speed of time is relative to your age.
At the age of 10, the time goes at 10 MPH.
At the age of 80, the time goes at 80 MPH.
Before you know it, the time’s up.
If you do the math, you really don’t have that much time.
Let’s say you are 15 years old and you retire at 65.
You have 50 years of productive life. Considering you only have 10 hours of productive time in a day at MAX!
10 hours a day x 365 days a year x 50 years = 182,500 hours
You only have 180 thousand hours until you run out of time.

How are you using each precious hour?

“Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving” Warren Buffet
Money is like good medicine. If you take the right dose, it will keep your life healthy. Too little or too much could kill you.
Like plants, money grows when putting in the right place. It grows faster in bundles.
There is also a bad type of money like moths. It’s called debt. It grows faster and ruins a lot of your belongings.

“Imagine that you had a car and that was the only car you’d have for your entire lifetime. Of course, you’d care for it well, changing the oil more frequently than necessary, driving carefully, etc. Now, consider that you only have one mind and one body. Prepare them for life, care for them. You can enhance your mind over time. A person’s main asset is themselves, to preserve and enhance yourself.” Warren Buffet
Believe it or not, health is also finite. What you do to your body will take its toll in your later years.

Remember I shared a story with you about The Lying Shepherd
“Trusting you is my decision. Proving me right is your choice.”
“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” Amy Rees Anderson, Balancing Work and Family Life Blog

Love is something special. Unlike others, this is actually infinite.

By its nature, it never runs out. And my love for you will never run out.
It flows like an endless fountain that fills you, so it overflows into others around you. That way, people around you will also be filled with your love and overflow to others around them.
We don’t love it because of what you have done or what you will do.
We love for who you are. There’s nothing more you need to do to be loved.

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