Trust is the foundation of a good relationship

Image source: Balancing acts tower of stone

Why did mom and dad get married and have a beautiful child like you?

It’s because of many reasons like daddy is the most handsome person she could find. But trust is also a very important factor. For example.

  1. Mom “trusts” that dad will love her for the rest of his life, and
  2. Dad “trusts” that mom will love him for the rest of her life.

That is the foundation of a good marriage.

Trust takes a long time and a lot of effort to build.
But, it can crumble with a small silly mistake.

  • Twist your words
  • Hiding the truth
  • Lie about something

And you will very quickly find out what it does to your relationship.

Though, for a short time, you might feel you got what you want.
You could lose everything.

How sad would it be if daddy can’t trust his son or daughter?

Open up, tell the truth, and enjoy being free from uncertainty.

You will get scolded and feel bad for a shot time.
But you will earn the respect and trust.

Small trustworthy actions gather for a long time to build a tower of trust.

One action is all it takes to make it crumble.

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